
Tabaqueria de Filipinas does not sell cigars to anyone under the age of 18. You must be 18 yrs or older to view or purchase any item displayed on this website. If you are under the age of 18, we strongly advise you to exit this site now.

IMPORTANT : Prices do not include charges for duties and taxes. Tabaqueria de Filipinas is not responsible for the payment of any duties and taxes that you may be charged by your country’s customs department. We strongly suggest checking with your local customs office regarding tobacco import duties.


Contact Us

Tabaqueria de Filipinas, Inc.
Edificio Belin Magsaysay Rd.,
Brgy. San Antonio San Pedro,
Laguna Philippines

Telephones: +632 8868-2753 | +632 8868-2769 | +632 8868-2788
Fax: +632 8808-4157

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